2023 교육체험특별전 〈산새들새〉EXHIBITION
2023 교육체험특별전 〈산새들새〉
2023 교육체험특별전 〈산새들새〉
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기획 전곡선사박물관 전시기간 2023-05-05(금) ~ 2023-09-03(일)
장소 B1 기획전시실 주최주관 경기도, 경기문화재단 -
교육체험특별전 〈산새들새〉에서는 다양한 체험형 활동을 통해 새들의 특징과 그들의 생태계를 알아 볼 수 있습니다.
실내프로그램에서는 새와 관련한 다양한 재미있는 사실들을 알아볼 수 있고, 자신만의 새를 그려볼 수도 있습니다.
실외프로그램은 실제 산새들에게 먹이를 줄 수 있는 피딩체험, 새들을 직접 관찰할 수 있는 관내탐조프로그램 등을 통해 새들과 직접 교류할 수 있습니다.
박물관 안과 밖 다양한 공간에서 귀엽고 아름다운 새들을 만나보세요!
About the project
We encounter many birds in forests and fields, and even in cities and parks. However, in fact, most of us don't know what name the bird is, what it looks like, or how it sings. This project <Mountain Bird, Wild Bird> is an exhibition where you can experience and learn the beauty, diversity, and importance of mountain birds and wild birds around us, which are common around us, but are inadvertently excessive.
In this project <Mountain Bird, Wild Bird>, you can learn about the characteristics of birds and their ecosystem through various hands-on activities. In the indoor program, you can find out various interesting facts about birds and draw your own birds. Outdoor programs can directly interact with birds through feeding experiences that can feed actual mountain birds and in-house bird-watching programs that can directly observe birds. Various educational and cultural programs are running with social groups and institutions
The project <Mountain Bird, Wild Bird> is an exhibition that approaches not only those who are interested and curious about nature and birds, but also families and individuals who have not known much about birds before.
2023 교육체험특별전 〈산새들새〉